Orthotics Foot Posture and Chiropractic Treatment
Orthotics also known as insoles, or shoe inserts, are designed to correct foot posture and abnormal / irregular walking patterns.
Foot orthotics are not just “arch supports,” although this term is often used to describe them. They support the entire body during every day and athletic activities.
In a properly working foot, cushioning the forces generated during activities and using these forces for recoil can allow the body to work more efficiently. If a the foots arch is flat, weak, or otherwise dysfunctional, orthotics can help to alter the angles at which the feet strike the ground when standing, walking, jogging, running and jumping. The result is a better foundation / platform for your body to work with and less pain.

What Are Orthotics?
An ‘orthotic’ is a device designed to restore your natural foot function. Many ‘biomechanical’ (walking) complaints such as heel pain, knee pain and lower back pain are caused by poor foot function. Orthotics re-aligns the foot and bones in the ankle to their neutral position, thereby restoring natural foot function. In turn this helps alleviate problems in other parts of the body. Orthotics also give a more even weight distribution, provide shock absorption, and take pressure off sore spots (e.g. the ball of the foot, corns in between toes, bunions etc).
Why Should I See a Chiropractor For Orthotics?
Traditionally most people would go to a podiatrist to have orthotics fitted. So why should I see a Chiropractor for Orthotics?
Dr. Danieley is trained in fitting custom orthotics and can determine if you require orthotics.
Chiropractors treat the whole body and can determine how the use of orthotics can complement our treatment for, for example, a back, hip, knee or ankle problem.
We also use specific mobilization and manipulation techniques to the feet to ensure that areas of restricted movement are released, which will have an effect on how your feet are functioning and will help your problem resolve better.
It doesn’t make sense to just put an orthotic in a shoe without using manipulation to clear the restrictions in the joints of your foot. And by checking the muscle function in the low back, hip, leg, foreleg, and foot we can determine if any muscle dysfunction may be contributing to the cause of the problems in the foot. Specific exercises aimed to strengthen the supportive musculature will also be recommended.
For example, if you came to us complaining of back pain, we would not just give you a back support belt and leave you to it. We would combine manipulation, restoration of muscle function, and exercise in order to get you back to full and normal function. Once the pain had diminished and function improved an exercise program would then be implemented to strengthen the supportive core musculature.
We apply the same principle to all muscle- and joint problems, which typically yields better results.

Who needs orthotics?
Orthotics benefit people with foot pain or discomfort due to walking imbalance (biomechanical complaint). Imbalances such as Flat fee, heel pain, knee pain and shin pain are known to cause pain and discomfort.
Can you wear the orthotics during all daily activities?
People who stand or walk all day will benefit from orthotics. If you suffer from pain during any form of sporting exercise then orthotics can reduce the pain associated with your condition. For overweight individuals, orthotics will help to counteract the extra stress being placed on the feet.

What specific conditions may be helped?
Below is a list of all the conditions that orthotics can help.
- Achilles Tendonitis
- Corns, Metatarsalgia
- Sesamoiditis,
- Ankle Sprains,
- Flat Feet
- Neuroma
- Tendonitis
- Arch Pain
- Heel Pain
- Pronation
- Top of the foot pain
- Bunions
- Knee Pain, Shin Pain, Toe Pain
Imbalance in your feet can alter the bony structure of your feet and lower legs. Foot orthotics can eliminate posture problems, foot and leg pain.

Do I need a physician’s prescription to get orthotics?
No. Dr. Danieley can fit and order your custom orthotic. Custom orthotics are orthotics that are especially molded to your feet.
How long will my Foot Orthotic Last?
Usually between 12 to 18 months. This may vary depending on the amount of time you use the orthotics. Orthotics should be worn at all times to receive the optimal medical benefit. Someone who is on the feet all day or walks on hard surfaces constantly may have their orthotics break down sooner.
Does it take time to get used to orthotics?
Your feet need time to adjust to the correct biomechanical (walking) position. Orthotics should be gradually used to begin with. During the first 48 hours of use, use the orthotics for approximately 3-4 hours. After this period of time it is recommended you use the orthotics for 6-8 hours. In the second week of use the orthotics can be utilized all day.